About Me

I am a member of emerging Victoria band, Made in Bangs! This Blog is to further publicize Made in Bangs! as well as serving as an outlet for my personal art, music, poems, and ideas.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Best Paragraph I've Ever Read

"Science is biased on experiment and observation. It must know no fear, must have no dogmas, must create no "taboo" for itself. But contemporary science, by the mere fact of having cut itself sharply off from religion and "mysticism," i.e. by having set up for itself a definite "taboo," has become an accidental and unreliable instrument of thought. The constant feeling of this "taboo" compels it to shut its eyes to a whole series of inexplicable and unintelligible phenomena, deprives it of wholeness and unity, and as a result brings about that 'we have no science but have sciences.'"

- from Ouspensky's 'A New Model of the Universe'

This idea is continued as Ouspensky explains that the further science breaks itself into different branches and disciplines the further from truth science gets. This separating of sciences has been going on for a while and is only getting more so divided now. This is exactly why I left College in the middle of a semester, Science is no longer a reliable path to truth and knowledge. Science now days is a distraction from real truth, and a tool used by materialist to explain away very real very important "mystical" phenomena. This is a sad fact of our material bound society. the true pioneers of science would be embarrassed to see what has become of a once mighty and pure path to knowledge and truth. the degeneration of science has occurred all the while scientist make a fuss of what progress they are making. The progress that has been made over the last 200 years or so has been a static process along a fixed linear plane. whenever confronted the possibility of expanding the scope of science or using the scientific model to study "mystical" states of consciousness and other phenomena like ESP, science puts its blinders on, stuff its head in the sand, and cowers under the bed until the big bad non-materialistic mobo jobo leaves them alone. Shame on you science!


G. said...

Science never concerned itself with truth: Only *fact.*

The 'unexplained phenomena' that mysticism and other magical gobbledygook describe have either been disproven to exist or have been explained through science.

The purpose of science is to explore the unknown and discover rational explainations for what we find. Anyone claiming that something is outside of the realm of science or 'taboo' doesn't understand what science is.

TAylor Byers said...

it's not that science doesn't explore ESP and mysticism, it is that by virtue of what and how science explores ideas and comes to understandings limits it's ability to truly understand such phenomena. science is entirely biased on the five senses. esp and mysticism go beyond the five senses. it is impossible for science to truly come to any conclusions about things that go beyond the five senses, and to remove from mysticism its transcendence of the five senses would defeat what mysticism is.