About Me

I am a member of emerging Victoria band, Made in Bangs! This Blog is to further publicize Made in Bangs! as well as serving as an outlet for my personal art, music, poems, and ideas.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

My Newest Track Hot Off the Presses

Ripple Effect by this is my life on music

made this today. this track is more of a full length song than the previous two have been. it doesn't have any lyrics yet, but i might still write some.

Best Paragraph I've Ever Read

"Science is biased on experiment and observation. It must know no fear, must have no dogmas, must create no "taboo" for itself. But contemporary science, by the mere fact of having cut itself sharply off from religion and "mysticism," i.e. by having set up for itself a definite "taboo," has become an accidental and unreliable instrument of thought. The constant feeling of this "taboo" compels it to shut its eyes to a whole series of inexplicable and unintelligible phenomena, deprives it of wholeness and unity, and as a result brings about that 'we have no science but have sciences.'"

- from Ouspensky's 'A New Model of the Universe'

This idea is continued as Ouspensky explains that the further science breaks itself into different branches and disciplines the further from truth science gets. This separating of sciences has been going on for a while and is only getting more so divided now. This is exactly why I left College in the middle of a semester, Science is no longer a reliable path to truth and knowledge. Science now days is a distraction from real truth, and a tool used by materialist to explain away very real very important "mystical" phenomena. This is a sad fact of our material bound society. the true pioneers of science would be embarrassed to see what has become of a once mighty and pure path to knowledge and truth. the degeneration of science has occurred all the while scientist make a fuss of what progress they are making. The progress that has been made over the last 200 years or so has been a static process along a fixed linear plane. whenever confronted the possibility of expanding the scope of science or using the scientific model to study "mystical" states of consciousness and other phenomena like ESP, science puts its blinders on, stuff its head in the sand, and cowers under the bed until the big bad non-materialistic mobo jobo leaves them alone. Shame on you science!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

This is sort of a spoken word piece with a riff. I wrote the words the other day while biking over to made in bangs! studios. The large moon was rising as the sun set in the west; time appeared to stand still, these colossal celestial bodies hanging in the air. A dream i had long ago came to mind; I was in a car driving over many steep rolling prairie hills. at the top of each hill i could see along way over the top of the other hills. the clouds got dark and dense, then many spherical domes began to form on the underside of the clouds almost as if tornadoes were forming, yet eerily foreign.

When the moon sits on the horizon
and the sun sets at dawn
Mountains rise from the oceans
and the clouds grow dark and strong.

When the time comes by this is my life on music

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

First Track I've made with Ableton.

I've heard a lot of things about ableton, all of them good. This eventually lead to checking this program out for myself. "ableton live" as this program is called seems like an amazingly fluid way to create and preform music. The track below is the first thing I have ever created with ableton. I'm just starting to figure it out, but so far I like it a lot. I don't have a midi keyboard set up right now; I drew most of the notes in rather than using the computer keyboard to play the notes and record parts that way in real time, though i did use the keyboard this way for one sound in the breakdown part. If you'd like to try this program for 30 days follow this link: www.ableton.com and choose which package you'd like to try. I suggest trying it. I'm enjoying it so far.

Wobble on the Brick Echo by this is my life on music

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

What a Ridiculous (perfect) Day!

So, I woke up this morning to a vivid reminder that the people who run this world and specifically this country are idiots. This also reminded me that i hate waking up to radio news, specifically CFAX (gotta make sure i change the radio station before i set my alarm again).

Top headlines:

Canadian officials don't know how to deal with climate change because they have insufficient information about it

Canadian officials don't know how contaminated our fresh water supply is because they don't monitor it, nor do they know who's job it is to do so.

Wiki Leaks founder, Julian Assange, arrested on sexual abuse allegations

A study showed that Doctors who work 24 hour shifts make more mistakes near the end of that 24 hours than they do when they are well rested... but there is some debate about this as some say this study is inconclusive.

Canadian policy going into climate change conference "we wont do anything unless everyone does everything, because if we close a steal plant in Canada and it opens in China we haven't done any good."

Everything that's wrong with those headlines (if it wasn't already obvious) and notes to Canadian officials:

Canadian officials don't have sufficient info about climate change because this government refuses to believe climate change is a real thing. If you ignore a problem/ deny it exists, therefore refuse to accept any information about said issue, or condone any research into this issue, yes you are going to have insufficient information to deal with the problem. (By the way Mr. Harper and minions, preschoolers have better problem solving skills than you.)

Canadian officials (specifically the minister of environment), it's your job to monitor the contamination of our fresh water, and prevent contamination from happening... idiots. this is not hard to figure out!

One of the few people in this world trying to hold governments and institutions accountable for there less than ethical/moral/diplomatic actions is arrested on allegations of sexual abuse... now I'm not saying that sexual abuse is okay, it's not at all, but what these allegations boil down to is that Julian Assange had sex with a woman, then did not call her the next day, and then had sex with someone else the following day... doesn't really sound like what most people would call "rape". Maybe, maybe his behavior was less than upstanding (not nearly as bad as the behavior of those exposed by wiki leaks) , but to believe these allegations are anything but an attempt to distract from the information his organization is releasing would be foolish. we want more leaks!

That study about tired doctors... inconclusive... really!! are you stupid!? everyone knows that sleep deprivation causes you to make more mistakes, that's why truckers aren't legally allowed to drive 24 hours in a row. you're doctors! you would think of all people medical professionals would understand the dangers of sleep deprivation, but apparently not, idiots!

Finally, Government of Canada, what the fuck kind of policy is "we wont do anything unless everyone does everything, because if we close a steal plant in Canada and it opens in china we haven't done any good." going into an important world discussion on how to combat climate change!?!? That's like a five year old at his birthday party saying "I wont share any of my cake with my friends unless i can have it all to myself!" Stupid and illogical!
Sure it's true that closing a steal plant in Canada only to have it open in China doesn't benefit the climate any, and neither does getting nothing done because Canada refuses to agree to anything until all countries agree to do everything. Canada might as well just not participate in these climate change discussions, that way the rest of the world is guaranteed to get more done than if Canada did participate.
This policy is the biggest cop-out joke! a horribly selfish, nearsighted, load of SHIT! Come on Canada we got the fossil of the year award at the Copenhagen summit for a reason, and it's shit like this. SERIOUSLY GET YOU HEADS OUT OF YOUR ASSES!!!

My changing perspective:

Now all of this idiocy left me with a sense of impending doom. Powerless against the hopeless machine my frustration increased throughout the day. The only thing I could say with certainty by the end of the day is that the entire human race is totally fucked and that we are all destined to self destruct under the weight of our own ridiculous stupidity! With this in mind I welcomed the idea of an apocalypse, the human race should feel full wrath of whatever power there is that hath the power to set wrath upon us; fire and brimstone, please put an end to this pitiful selfish species. I certainly don't have the power to make anything better, not against the pure magnitude of bullshit that populates this world... but then finally someone said something that made sense, that empowered me once more, something that filled me with hope and energy and exuberance... "what if this world is perfect, just the way it is in this moment?"

Sure not everything in the world is right, but in this moment things ARE exactly as they should be, completely perfect in every way! The things that enrage us move us to action, things that hurt us allow us to heal. In this very moment I have all the power in the world to do what ever I want. In this moment I can not be paralyzed by the sheer volume of bull shit in the world, for in this moment I am perfect, as is all that is! I am extremely fortunate to be living in North America, with a roof over my head and food in my fridge. I am in a position to act. I have enormous freedom here in Canada, when my government acts stupid I am allowed to say so. It is the choices I make moment to moment that matter. I can continue to chose to be frustrated and paralyze myself under the giant pile of bullshit I see in the world, continuing to pile it higher and higher on top of myself... or I can chose to act, live in the moment and liberate myself from this pile of bullshit.

When I think of all injustices in this world, and all the things that have ever been wrong with this world, and all the things that could go wrong in the world in the future it is paralyzing and I am powerless. But, when i see the world in this moment as perfect, i am empowered and moved to action.

I am grateful for the awareness that there is bullshit in this world, so that I may act in ways that demonstrates the perfection all around us.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

NASA Discovers new life form!

NASA announced today that they have discovered a new form of life that changes our understanding of the elements required for life. Unfortunately, The new life form NASA discovered is not extraterrestrial, it was found in California, nevertheless, the discovery is still very exciting. The life form that NASA has discovered has a very interesting and important difference about the structure of it's DNA, it has arsenic instead of phosphorus like all other life we know. This is so exciting and important because it means life can exist in even greater variety than we believed previously, and exist in places we used to think impossible. It was thought until now that there were 6 elements essential for life: Carbon, Nitrogen, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Phosphorous, and Sulfur, with this discovery of an organism with arsenic in place of phosphors it can now be inferred that other elements could be swapped as well, silicon for carbon for instance. This vastly increases the possible places to find life. We have been looking for planets like ours to find extraterrestrial life on, planets that have the elements we thought critical for the existence of life, not anymore. Life could exist in vastly different ways than we have imagined. There maybe life forms out there we don't even recognize as life. on planets hot enough for rocks to be liquid, there could be a silicon based life form that looks more like a rock to us than it does something alive. Oh the possibilities!

for more information read the NASA press release.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

December Begins

December begins like it does again and again,
Leaving behind November and then,
Before you know it's Christmas at last,
Then you realize a whole year's past.

December begins like it does each year,
With anticipation of holiday cheer,
Quickly it passes it wont last.
Once again a full year's past.

December begins though we try to pretend,
That this isn't happening all over again.
Holidays pass before they begin.
Faster the world continues to spin.

December begins it's already here.
Has it really been a whole year?
We should surrender now and give in.
Eventually always Time will win.